Although at first this statement might seem strange upon scrutiny we will all come to find that each of us is are never separate to the actual experiences we are having , therefore we exist in each moment as the actual experience itself .
Of course with the minds use of memory we all feel as if we are actually separate individuals , distinct from each other and the experiences we are having . We believe they are occurring to us and unfortunately that is a mistake that leads to the understanding that we are at the mercy both good and bad , victim or benefactor of powers beyond us .
Yet what if we only ever existed in the present moment , the eternal moment of NOW , or EVERNOW as I have phrased . Then from this perspective our existence is the sensation , the feelings, the emotions, we are having right here and right now .
We are the witnessing self , the awareness of each experience fills each moment completely and is who and what we are right now without it , we cease to be and return to the infinite potentiality that is the all , God or the universe .
So never feel stuck in your identity , it is a mask , a convenient personality we acquire yet is in truth a fluidity , consistently flowing and transforming with each interaction. We are choosing each moment our story , our reactions can be dropped with the identity and we can instead move to creation, choosing the experience we are in each moment with excitement and gratitude.
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