One of the deepest yearnings of all of us is to be seen , yet in order to do this we must be brave enough to reveal who we truly are .
Although at our core this is true for us the challenge is that we actually resist revealing to others our real nature because we have insecurities about our value . We have all been impacted by situations in our childhood that brought us to question our natural qualities and doubt our self worth because of it .
So instead of showing people our true selves we actually hide it behind many masks of achievement or accomplishments . We ingratiate ourselves to increase our self worth and then want people to acknowledge the effort we have put in to improve ourselves.
Ultimately this approach fails as what they see is whats on the surface and we never truly feel seen because we don't trust revealing our essence.
To final break this cycle we need to be courageous and recognize that all exterior achievements will actually simply confuse the issue and it is when we are willing to be vulnerable , and enter each interaction with radical authenticity that the veils of separation dissolve and we final witness our real self in the eyes of another .
What layer of inauthenticity could you remove right now?
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IF YOU ARE READY FOR YOUR OWN SELF REVOLUTION , then For Self Revolution Coaching Sessions email paulgotel.BIGU@gmail.com.
The BIG U - A Guide to Self Revolution now available in Ebook a Audio
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