We are all subconsciously navigating our life to avoid risk . We believe at our core that some aspect of us was threatened as a child and we have created a defense mechanism to warn of us any possible threat to avoid it happening again .
Over our lives we adopt various beliefs about things that threaten that safety , and they become programmed into our subconscious and without us realizing it dictate our daily lives . The thing is theses conclusions where hardwired into our minds as little children because we are completely dependent on our parents to keep us safe and we do anything to keep their approval because our lives depend on it .
However when we grow up these scripts are still running however they are no longer necessary as we are adults capable of taking care of ourselves and so the version of us we wish to keep safe is actually not who we are .
So this is the time to recognize that we are running outdated software and to release that limited version of ourselves. For us to thrive in life we must make authentic choices that align with who we are now , and that requires taking risks and releasing the our old protection mechanisms that hold us back .
What protection mechanisms are you still running that are holding you back ?
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