If we are faced with fatigue and exhaustion so often we can push through , drinking Coffee or other caffeinated drinks to overcome the lethargy we feel and try to achieve our duties, often not really dealing with the underlying situation.
When we ignore this we compound the issue , for when we act from a place of lack of energy then we seek to gain something in return for our efforts . Instead of being inspired, we manipulate our interactions wanting people to recognize what it is costing us and asking for them to pay for the extra effort in someway , this means all our offerings to life become trades with a demand for recognition from others.
The alternative is to see that what is being offered here is an opportunity to break the cycle. To see it is our own wheel of judgement that has us pushing forward when we are actually being called to rest . To stop this self insistence and understand that in allowing ourselves to halt our activities we can reconnect to our source and once tapped in , realize once again that we are connected to an internal spring of abundance within us . From this place we use our lives as an expression of abundant generosity and no longer look for it to be fulfilled by others as we understand it is all an inside job.
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IF YOU ARE READY FOR YOUR OWN SELF REVOLUTION , then For Self Revolution Coaching Sessions email paulgotel.BIGU@gmail.com.
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