There is no Lack . Yet why it seems so is that the unlimited source that we call Abundance is blocked when we hold back the expression of creativity that wishes to be born through our existence.
If we become identified with our persona and invest in its survival we become ingratiated by the investment we have made in our identity and don’t want to see it “harmed” . Yet this becomes a restrictive way of living as we prevent the change that is necessary for our evolution and block the flow of life from its expression through us .
We are a conduit designed to flow not a solid to defend , and the creative source that flows through us when we are courageous enough to follow our inspiration is unlimited and filled with bountiful imagination.
Our purpose is to open our being to be a outflowing spring of optimistic artistry and when we allow ourselves-to take this path we unblock our damn of fear and unlock the river of Abundance!
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