In the course of our lives, we have acquired many things. Some physical, but also some mental and emotional, beliefs, and mindsets that we feel have served us and normally at the time that we adopted them they did. However, what may have saved us before now may be a hindrance to our evolution.
Without realizing it we hold on to many things in our lives, that are no longer of service. In the exterior world we have people and possessions, jobs, and places that once were perfect for us now hold us back. Yet because we have worked so hard to acquire them, investing our time and energy and most of all our own authenticity into getting them, we hold onto them and don't realize it is this retention that causes our own restriction.
When we recognize this and are willing to release that which we are holding onto we develop a whole new way of interacting with life. We no longer grasp for anything or try to keep things through our will, but allow what comes to come, what stays to stay, and what goes to go. Four in this mindset by releasing everything, we make space and invite everything into our life unconditionally and with love.
What are you holding on to that is time to release ?
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