The BIG U - Dec 4th 2020
To release all expectations is to release all irritations
All irritations come from our attachment to our idea of how things are supposed to work out, our plans and our investments quite often come with a vision. The time we put them and what we expect back for that time , and if it doesn’t seem to be working out we can become quite irritated.
This is caused by our limited perspective that defines what we want , and how it works out as being the best way for something to resolve , and yet in reality once we set a goal in motion we are constantly upgrading our request subconsciously as we are effected by every step we take towards it , and as this happens the universe will update the reality to reflect that upgrade.
The key here is to TRUST to allow the unfolding with out specific expectations but with optimistic ideals , imagining not the exact “hows” but the feelings and emotions of satisfaction and joy and allow the parts and players to move as they will trusting that it will all align to your highest good .
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