We all have many parts of ourselves , some we live by and celebrate, but others that we hide away , hoping they will never be seen . These parts are those that as children, seemed to create a negative reaction in our world and caused us to feel the pain of rejection. So to avoid that repeating we choose to suppress aspects of who we are .
The issue with this decision is that this suppression costs us a lot of energy to hold back these characteristics and more importantly we also lose their benefits . For example, Spontaneity can be seen as reckless but also is the opportunity for excitement; Being silly can be judged as stupidity yet also allows for laughter ; Fun can be seen as frivolous yet is also the gateway to Joy; Being ‘too much’ of anything can be reframed as being more than enough, which means we have so much to share .
When we realize that our external judgement of others is actually rooted in our own internal suppression we recognize it is costing us too much and it’s time to stop this game of self suppression .
When we lovingly accept all parts of ourselves without condition it also opens up a pathway to be more connected and accepting of others, creating more heart based compassionate relationships in our life.
What part of yourself is being reflected to you by another, that you could be more accepting of in yourself ?
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