We all observe other’s behaviors in our lives and often without realizing it have this observation move to judgement, when we make an assessment that what we observe is different from us. If it is not what we want to happen we judge it as negative and if it aligns with us we see it as positive.
However this way of navigating is based on separation and leads to us seeking to trying to avoid things we don’t want and being frustrated when we cannot , like if it’s our child or family member or a work situation. In these cases we either become outwardly hostile or inwardly withdrawn which leads to disruption and depression.
Yet what if instead of judging others we observe what is coming up for us in these situations. To develop equanimity, so when judgement arises we look within ourselves and look for what we are judging in ourselves that is showing as a result of this.
Recognizing that the exterior situation is leading us to release our own self judgement, forgive ourselves and lovingly accept that hidden part of us , bringing us to a deeper peace both without and within .
What are you judging in another that could lead to acceptance of yourself ?
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