In life when we are met with a challenge we can under mind ourselves by saying we don’t have the necessary capabilities to gain success . So often we tell ourselves that we cannot do something and feel unable to overcome this inertia so we avoid the path ahead saying it wasn’t meant to be .
The thing is all challenges that appear before you in life have been placed there specifically by yourself , not as road blocks to turn away from but as hurdles to leap over , yet when we arrive before them in order to achieve this we need to drop some baggage . This baggage is an aspect of ourselves , a belief , an acquired attribute that we have become attached to and identified with yet is now limiting our expression of our true authenticity as we walk through life overburdened by its weight .
This is the reason for the challenges of life arising. The Hurdles are designed to make you face this truth and to look at what aspect of yourself is needed to dropped in order to jump over this obstacle easily. This is where we realize we have created the lies of inadequacy so that we can continue to hold on to what no longer serves us and now it is time to drop this and discover that we are more capable than we could imagine, when we are willing to face life without reservations and risk our past identities for whole new opportunities.
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